” Ik ben geboren zwart maar leef zwart en wit.”

Piya. M.M. Farah 29 jul 2018


"Our imagination is more powerful than the knowledge of any situation.’ ~ By Piya

This is the first column that i ever wrote, ik zal deze column kort en krachtig houden.

Onze medemensen hebben invloed op ons en bepalen helaas ons dagelijks leven, of het nou vandaag is, gisteren, of eergisteren etc… Dis is mijn message/boodschap voor zij die kracht, zelf-vertrouwen, motivatie of erkenning zoeken.

You’re the master of your own fate and the product of its failure. Neither circumstance nor obstacle can determine your destiny. Only he who embrace exellence to existance will somehow always succed in life… The future reward only those who press on, and never give up.

Expressing ourselves vulnerable does’t have to mean weakness, kwowing that we’ll all die one day soon or late we have nothing to lose. Failure is our calling, risk our enemy and insomnia our best friend… " Everything we deserve is on the other side of impossible.

Vulnerability is our most accurate measure of courage in this universe… But in the eind of the day, we’re all the product of our own thoughts. The things we all value the most, are the things we worked the hardest for…

Behind every principal, there is always promise. The strenght of self-correction and decency will always win no matter circumstance. When we change, the things we look at change for the better. Progress equal happiness. Remember, the worst things in life come free to us.

The bottom line is we can’t have good without bad. So don’t be selfish, be grateful and appreciate what you got. Failure is my friend, risk my enemy and insomnia my calling… " Everything we deserve is on the other side of impossible.

The spirit of certainty is based on gratitude, and attached to nothing… Selfishness is the most commonly travel road to self-destruction. Stay strong
